Our first lunch assembly for the Lowell Transitional Living Center is coming up in a little over a week. Here are the details on what we need and how you can help.
The event will be on Sunday, November 6, at TEMV, starting at 9:30am and going until the supplies run out (probably 11-11:30). We have lots of tasks that both adults and kids can help with, from making the sandwiches to decorating and filling the bags.
Please bring to TEMV anytime the building is open between now and then and leave in the kitchen:
- Bottles of water (individual size)
- Jars of peanut butter
- Jars of jelly
Please bring that weekend:
- Loaves of sliced whole wheat bread
- Bags of apples and/or oranges/clementines
Thank you for helping us to serve our wider community!