Free Book on Israel!

The following is from Harold Grinspoon, the founder of PJ Library: I am writing to offer a free book to you. It's called Israel: A Simple Guide to the Most Misunderstood Country on Earth by Noa Tishby. I love books that teach me something about being Jewish. Central to the Jewish story, of course, is the land of Israel. I was born in 1929, so I remember a time before the modern State of Israel, when there was no safe haven for the millions of Jews murdered during the Holocaust. I am grateful for Israel, and I believe strongly in supporting its quest for peace and security. I am proud to support childhood literacy across Israel by distributing 470,000 Hebrew and Arabic books with the Israeli Ministry of Education as a primary partner. PJ Library operates globally in 33 countries, 7 languages. In North America, we distribute 240,000 books monthly thanks to our partners. I commend Noa for writing a personal account that provides an...
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