Karen Lipshires and Stephanie Karakantas, Ritual Committee Chairs:
Our new Yom Kippur prayer book says “A congregation, by definition must include diverse individuals with a range of ideas, feelings, and practices. Moreover, the richest experience comes when all of us bring our full selves into the community—not only our pious thoughts and positive feelings, but the full range of our selves and our emotions, including skepticism, and anger” (Mishkan HaNefesh: Machzor for the Days of Awe, Yom Kippur, p. xvii).
All members of the TEMV community are called upon to inform, organize and support the practice of worship and the before and after worship gatherings. The Ritual Committee meets approximately every six weeks to ensure that that our services and activities before and after the services run smoothly. We coordinate our community volunteers that provide food for our oneg Shabbat gatherings, and coordinate and prepare members of the community to participate in and lead services. We work closely with Rabbi Sparr as she shapes our services to ensure the services reflect our current ideals as well as honor our long-held traditions. Your voice is important as we move past the Days of Awe and into the autumn and winter months. We also want to hear your feedback on the recent High Holy Day services. What are we doing well, and perhaps even more importantly, what can we do better?
Our next meeting is Wednesday, November 2, 2016, at 7pm at TEMV. Please come join us as we plan for the upcoming season full of weekly Shabbat services, a service to welcome new members, and to celebrate Hannukah. There are opportunities for year-long commitments and one-time tasks that need to be done. If you can’t make the meeting, but would like to help, please contact us.