Gavin and his mother notified school administrators of his male gender identity at the beginning of his sophomore year in high school. The administrators gave him permission to use the boys’ restroom, which he did for almost two months without incident. After receiving complaints from some parents and residents of Gloucester County, Virginia, however, the school board adopted a new policy requiring him to use the girls’ restroom. While a U.S. district court denied his claim under Title IX, a U.S. Circuit Court overturned the lower court ruling. The school board then appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court, which will hear the case March 28.
The religious leaders, organizations, and seminaries that signed the “friend of the court” (amicus) brief write:
Amici bear witness to diverse viewpoints on gender identity across various faiths and denominations – demonstrating that “religion” does not speak with one voice on this question. In any event, simply by living their lives and using the same public restrooms available to their peers, transgender students threaten no one’s religious freedom.
They continue:
Endorsing religion’s role in American life but objecting to its being co-opted for judicial purposes, Amici embrace varying theological perspectives on gender identity but unite in affirming that transgender persons possess inherent dignity.
We at TEMV are proud to have several transgender members of our congregation who add to its rich diversity and contribute in many ways to the life of our community. We thank Rabbi Sparr for adding her name to the many calling for justice in Gavin’s case and in supporting equality and understanding for transgender people across our country and our world.