We hope you will join us for lay-led Shabbat services this week in our new home!
Shabbat Services In Our New Home
Friday, December 28, 2018, 7:00 p.m.
Please note earlier start time!
Lay leader: Karen Lipshires
Potluck oneg–please bring something to share!
We hope you will join us again this week for Shabbat in our new home, Suite 200 of 151 Warren St. in Lowell. (See our website for parking and bus info.)
Rabbi Sparr Office Hours
Rabbi Sparr will not be holding office hours this week. After January 2, she will post scheduled hours; appointments must be made in advance by contacting her at rabbi@temv.org or during business hours at 508-736-5555. In an emergency or urgent need, do phone at any hour.
Religious School
No school until January 6.
Winter Clothing Drive; Food and Toiletry Donations
When you come to Shabbat services, please bring any winter clothing (coats, hats, scarves, gloves, snow pants, warm socks, etc.) you would like to donate to families in need in the wider Lowell community. Frank Baskin and our Social Action committee will make sure the items get to them. Also, note that our ongoing food and toiletry donation boxes are now in the new TEMV lobby.
End-of-Year Giving
In this season of giving, we hope you will remember your membership pledges to TEMV (or become a member) and also consider giving a little extra as you think of what our community means to you–a place for worship, learning, celebrating life’s joys, supporting each other through its challenges, and working to make a difference in our community and the wider world.
If you give before the end of 2018 (so that your donation is made online or postmarked by December 31), you can claim your donation as a tax deduction for the year to the extent allowed by law. You should also ask your employer if they will match your gift, and may wish to ask a financial advisor about contributing appreciated securities.
Please donate securely online here or make checks payable to TEMV and send to our new address:
Temple Emanuel of the Merrimack Valley
151 Warren St., Ste. 200
Lowell, MA 01852
Note also that although some of the furniture and other key items for our new home have already been purchased, you may still sponsor them to help us offset the costs—and see the fruits of your donation every time you come to TEMV. If you wish to do this, please visit this spreadsheet before making your donation.
You are part of what makes TEMV a welcoming place for so many, and we thank you for your continued support, financial and otherwise. Your contribution is kept confidential. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Phebe (treasurer@temv.org; 978.256.2855).
Shop Amazon
TEMV is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon.com. Just start your Amazon shopping through this link to take part.
Volunteer to Host an Oneg
Please email oneg@temv.org with your preferred dates. We ask all members to sign up to host twice. It’s one simple way to help the community! Please also see our full calendar of events.
Mah Jong
During the time of transition into our new space, please email mahjong@temv.org if you would like to play, so that we may tell you where we are meeting. We are flexible as to dates and times based on the availability of those who wish to play.
Food and Toiletry Collection
There is a box in the TEMV lobby for non-perishable food and toiletry items, to be donated to the Lowell Transitional Living Center.
Do you have something to add to our News page or the temple’s bulletin? Send it to publicity@temv.org.