Yom Kippur Sermon 5780: Feeding Our Hungry Neighbors

Yom Kippur Sermon 5780: Feeding Our Hungry Neighbors

Written by Rabbi Robin Sparr and Jo Rothman. Delivered by Rabbi Robin Sparr. Shana tova and g’mar tov. Many of us are at the beginning of a long and hungry day, and while we strive to keep our thoughts focused on teshuva, return, and renewal, a little part of us may at times drift towards the clock, counting the hours until we can eat. For some of us, a day without food is a once-a-year affair, and we associate it with this Day of Atonement and fasting. But for many people both within and outside of our community, hunger is a familiar thing, a part of daily life. (more…)...
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Kol Nidre Sermon 5780: Revealing Our Integrated, Authentic Selves

Kol Nidre Sermon 5780: Revealing Our Integrated, Authentic Selves

By Rabbi Robin Sparr. When I first came to TEMV, a member mentioned she felt a sermon was only successful if it gave her something to think about, and something to do. Throughout these High Holy Days, I’ve made sure to include a specific call to action in each sermon. I thank the many of you who signed postcards addressed to the Speaker of the House last week regarding our country’s immigration policies; if you did not have an opportunity to do so, there are still additional postcards at the sign-in table, and I would be happy to post them for you. Tomorrow I will ask you to take action again, in support of those facing food insecurity. But tonight, at Kol Nidrei, as we engage in an accounting of our souls, I invite you to take action for yourself. (more…)...
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