We are happy to welcome current and recent members and their families to our in-person services for Rosh Hashana day and all Yom Kippur services, and to welcome everyone to livestreamed services. Registration is required, whether attending in person or remotely. Given our limited space, in-person registration for seating is strictly limited, first come, first served, with priority given to current members. Those attending in person must show proof of vaccination and booster, and are required to wear an N95/KN94 mask over their mouth and nose during the entire time in the building. Services will also be available via livestream on Zoom, with the ability to interact limited to Zoom chat.
Below is our schedule and other important information that will help you join us for a rich and meaningful High Holy Day experience:
REGISTRATION: **Everyone MUST register for services by Sept 23rd**
As has long been our custom, everyone is welcome, and cost should never be an obstacle to worship. However, we do have expenses, and so we ask that all attendees donate as they are able. The suggested contribution is $250 per person for the series; please give as generously as your circumstances allow. Donations can be made here, or mailed to TEMV at 151 Warren Street #200 Lowell, MA 01852. You are welcome to forward this newsletter to your friends and family so you can spend the holiday “together”. Please note that registration links are unique to each user and cannot be shared; each person or group using the same device MUST pre-register for services using the links below. This means that your friends and family attending from different remote locations must register themselves; you cannot forward your service links to them.
Everyone is urged to register to attend REMOTELY on Zoom, to access the Erev Rosh Hashana service and also as a “just in case” option. Please register here. You will receive your credentials at your registered email address. Please note that the times in the confirmation are not accurate; the actual times for services will be:
Erev Rosh Hashana 9/25 6:00pm
Rosh Hashana morning 9/26 10:00am
Rosh Hashana family 9/26 3:00pm
Erev Yom Kippur/Kol Nidrei 10/4 8:00pm
Yom Kippur morning 10/5 10:00am
Yom Kippur Yizkor 10/5 12:15pm
Yom Kippur Family Service 10/5 3:00pm
Yom Kippur Ne’ilah and Havdallah 10/5 6:15pm
If you wish to attend IN PERSON, you must also register here.
Members planning to attend via zoom may arrange to borrow a prayerbook by contacting president@temv.org before 9/23/22. Those attending in person will be able to use the books at the temple.
There will be no screenshares of the prayerbook available; you may purchase your own physical or Kindle copy of the two-volume set here: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08GFX8TV6?ref_=dbs_p_mng_rwt_ser_shvlr&storeType=ebooks
We will again be collecting food for the Lowell Mobile Food Pantry. Bring your bagged non-perishables to any service or school day between now and October 16 and leave them in the kitchen area.
As ever, if you need help registering or have any questions, please send a message well before the holiday to info@temv.org and someone will get back to you soonest!
Services, sermons, musical accompaniment, and administrative and technical support are provided by our High Holy Day team:
 – Rabbi Robin S. Sparr, who has been with us since 2012, serving initially as our High Holy Day cantor, and beginning her leadership of the congregation as our rabbi in 2015
 – Ashira Stevens, who is a fifth-year rabbinic student at Hebrew College serving for the second time as our High Holy Day rabbinic intern
 – Jo Rothman, our temple administrator
 – Spencer Rothman, our school administrative aide and tech wizard
All of these offerings would not be possible without the tireless support and work of our President, Karen Lipshires, board members, and countless volunteers.
Sunday, Sept 25, 2022 – Erev Rosh Hashana with Rabbi Sparr and Rabbinic Intern Ashira Stevens
6:00pm Evening service, Online only
Welcoming in the New Year with an abridged service, including blessings, candlelighting, prayers and songs for the New Year. Alternately, you may celebrate at home on your own using our seder as a guide.
Monday, Sept 26, 2022 – Rosh Hashana Day One + Tashlich
10:00 am Morning service with Rabbi Sparr and Rabbinic Intern Ashira Stevens, in person and livestreamed
Morning prayers, music, sermon, text study and interactive discussions, and time for meditation. Torah reading with healing prayers and aliyot available for all.
Tashlich can also be performed at any time during the High Holy Days on your own; you may use this service as a guide.
3:00 pm Afternoon Family Service with Rabbinic Intern Ashira Stevens, in person and livestreamed
Joyous, welcoming service for all ages, including traditional and contemporary music, interactive worship, story, and prayers for healing and for mourners.
Tuesday, Sept 27, 2022 – Rosh Hashana Day Two
6:15am Sunrise service at Plum Island lay led, in person
Please RSVP to president@temv.org if you plan to welcome sunrise together so we can contact you in the event of rain. We will meet on the beach near the first parking lot on the left on Sunset Drive in Newburyport. Feel free to bring something to read or a little nosh for breakfast.
Tuesday, Oct 4, 2022 – Erev Yom Kippur/Kol Nidrei
8:00 pm Evening service with Rabbi Sparr and Rabbinic Intern Ashira Stevens, in person and livestreamed
Entering into Yom Kippur with Kol Nidrei and reflective prayers and contemplations.
Wednesday, Oct 5, 2022 – Yom Kippur
10:00 am Morning service with Rabbi Sparr and Rabbinic Intern Ashira Stevens, in person and livestreamed
Morning prayers, music, sermon, text study and interactive discussions, and time for meditation. Torah reading with healing prayers and aliyot available for all.
12:15 pm Yizkor/Memorial service with Rabbi Sparr and Rabbinic Intern Ashira Stevens, in person and livestreamed
We remember our dear ones during an hour-long service including music, prayer, candles, and periods of quiet contemplation. All who are present are invited to share the names of their loved ones; you may wish to prepare a written list along to help you recall everyone.
1:15 pm Break; sanctuary available for quiet contemplation
3:00 pm Afternoon Family Service with Rabbinic Intern Ashira Stevens, in person and livestreamed
Reflective, welcoming service for all ages, including traditional and contemporary music, interactive worship, story, and prayers for healing and for mourners.
4:30 pm Afternoon study with Rabbinic Intern Ashira Stevens, in person only
6:15pm Neilah/Concluding service with Rabbi Sparr and Rabbinic Intern Ashira Stevens, in person and livestreamed
Ark opened for personal petition at 6:05. We approach the close of the day with renewed energy and commitment, and conclude at about 7:00pm with Havdalah and New Year blessings.
We look forward to sharing these meaningful days with you all, and wish everyone a sweet, healthy, and joyous 5783!

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