Rabbi’s Notes: High Holy Days and Back to School

Rabbi’s Notes: High Holy Days and Back to School

Sometimes, our students tease me as we approach holidays throughout the year, because I claim each one as “my favorite!” Honestly, I cannot pick a favorite – I sincerely love the beauty, rituals, and meaning of every holiday, and the opportunities they provide us to ground ourselves in space and time, with family, friends and food. But the truth is, summer is my favorite time of year. I love the long, bright days, the summer constellations, afternoons at the beach, walking everywhere in open-toed shoes and unburdened by layers of clothing, and summer thunderstorms. I even like the super hot and humid days (well, a few of them). As the sun begins to sink a little earlier each evening and my summer flowers begin to fade, I am reminded it’s again time to take stock, to reflect, to consider all I’ve done or failed to do in this concluding year, and focus on how I can mend and grow in the year...
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Rosh Hashanah Sermon 5778

Rosh Hashanah Sermon 5778

Rabbi Robin S. Sparr: A year ago I stood before you, imploring you to be guided by social justice principles of Judaism as you stepped into the voting booth. I urged you to consider not just any single issue, but to focus on what it means to stand in support of a just and humane society. I further requested that, after you stepped out of the voting both, you would forgive and mend relationships with your friends and family who might have voted differently. It’s been a long year. (more…)...
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