This week is our annual Social Action Shabbat/Human Rights Shabbat, at a special early time. Please join us for that and for many of the other social action and purely social activities going on at TEMV!
Social Action Shabbat Service/Human Rights Shabbat
Friday, December 9, 7pm (Note early start time)
Parashat Vayeitzei
In honor of Human Rights Shabbat, we are pleased to welcome Jayde Campbell, Executive Director of the Lowell Transitional Living Center and an individual with lived experience who will present on the topic of homelessness. They will discuss what life is like as a homeless person, what services are available, and what is missing. They will also give us some ideas about what we as a congregation and as individuals can do to help.
The presentation will follow a brief Kabbalat Shabbat service.
The current toiletries collection will be donated to the Lowell Transitional Living Center.
Rabbi Sparr Office Hours
Rabbi Sparr is available for office hours on Thursday morning and Friday late afternoon, by appointment. Kindly contact her to schedule a time.
Religious School
Sunday, December 11, 10am – noon
Special Family Education
This week’s programming will include some family education components, including adults-only discussion about the convergence of December holidays, some adult and child together programming, and kids-only learning. An adult from each family is strongly encouraged to attend the entire morning. More details in the Hadashot to follow.
Board Meeting
Thursday, December 15, 7pm
Board Meetings are open to the entire TEMV membership.
Adult Education
Check out our potential Adult Ed offerings and submit your preferences. Rabbi Sparr will offer classes based on our responses.
Volunteer to Host an Oneg
Visit the signup page to choose your date or email oneg@temv.org with your preferred dates.
If all members sign up to host then no one will have to host more than twice. It’s one simple way to help.
The complete Service schedule for the year is here, along with our full calendar of events.
TEMV Snow Ball
Saturday, January 14 8 pm – 11 pm
The Bar Chords are returning for another dance. Music of the 60’s, 70’s and 80’s. Everyone had a great time last year so we are doing it again.
Tickets $25 in advance, $30 at the door.
Email events@temv.org or call 978 256-2855 to RSVP or to volunteer to help with food, decorations, set up, clean up etc.
Food and Toiletry Collections
There are boxes in the lobby waiting to be filled with your generous donations. All donations go to local charities. Thank you!
Winter Clothing Collection
There is a box in the lobby for winter clothing. Please donate winter clothing including:
- Coats
- Gloves
- Hats
- Scarves
Gentle yoga: Monday, 8:30am
Attendance at this class has been low recently. If you wish to attend yoga on Monday morning, please contact Cornelia at yogainfo@temv.org preferably by Sunday afternoon. If at least three people say they are coming she will let you know. Please leave your phone number—preferably a cell phone number—in your email.
Yoga: Wednesday, 6:30pm
Please bring a mat. $7 for the teacher and a $3 donation to the temple.
For more information email yogainfo@temv.org
Mah Jong
Tuesdays, 6 pm and Thursdays, 1pm
As long as at least three people commit to being there, we play. All levels of players including beginners are welcome. We love introducing and teaching the game to new players. Please email mahjong@temv.org to tell us whether you are coming. Join the Mah Jong email list to keep updated about cancellations by emailing mahjongg-join@temv.org.
Do you have something to add to this email blast or to the temple’s bulletin? Send it to phebe@temv.org.