We will be celebrating Shabbat and Hanukkah this week in our new home! Please join us!
Shabbat Services and Hanukkah Celebration
Friday, December 7, 2018, 7:00 p.m.
Potluck oneg — please bring something to share!
Dear TEMV Community:
We are delighted to tell you that we will be celebrating Hanukkah in our new home! Our first service there will be this Friday, December 7, at 7:00 p.m., in Suite 200 of 151 Warren St. in Lowell. We will hold a Shabbat service and our annual dazzling multi-hanukkiah (menorah) lighting. (Please bring yours—and candles—if you have one.) We will also be dedicating our space by putting up a mezuzah—significantly, on the holiday that commemorates the rededication of the Temple in Jerusalem.
As with that original rededication, however, things are still a little ungepatchged (Yiddish for “mixed up”) as we will not yet have fully unpacked and gotten set up. We felt we would all prefer to tolerate a little clutter rather than miss this opportunity to be together for the holiday. Thank you for your understanding. We are also planning a bigger opening celebration in January, when we will invite friends from the wider Lowell community to join with us. Please stay tuned for details.
Note that there is on-site parking and a security system with an intercom, and the building is accessible to those with disabilities. (Accessible parking spots are in the lot marked Parking I below.) Some parking spaces say they are reserved for tenants of other suites, but we may use them after business hours if they are not occupied by those tenants.

We look forward to seeing you there!
Robin Frisch, TEMV President
Rabbi Robin Sparr
and the TEMV Board of Trustees
Hanukkah Resources from Rabbi Sparr
- General information, including links for how to light the menorah, background information, book recommendations, and tasty recipes
- A meditation for each night of Hanukkah, aimed at shining more light on the dark places, as we are obliged to do during the Festival of Light
- A fun animated Hanukkah story
- For Hanukkah music, try the Maccabeats Ed Sheeran parody or Six13’s Bohemian Chanukah.
Rabbi Sparr Office Hours
Rabbi Sparr is scheduling office hours for the coming weeks; please contact her via email or phone. In an emergency or urgent need, do phone at any hour (508-736-5555).
Religious School
Sunday, December 9, 10 a.m.
Please join us in our new space at 151 Warren St., Suite 200, for a family morning of jelly doughnuts and latkes, dreidel games and crafts, and some music and dancing. Although our space is not fully prepared, we will have a fun morning together. We hope to resume regular classes the following week, December 16th, but please watch for updates and a complete rest-of-year calendar coming soon.
Thank You
Bill Garr, executive director of Lowell House, along with recovery coaches Gianna and Richard, spoke with TEMV members at our Social Action Shabbat on November 30. Their focus was on addictions, especially opioids. They told us about challenges faced by people with an addiction, some of the services provided by Lowell House, and the impact of recovery coaches for those who currently have an addiction. Thanks to them for sharing their time and information with us!
—Frank Baskin, Social Action Chair
Please return your membership pledge form or we can’t count you as a member for 2018-19!
If you haven’t already returned your Pledge Form, please do so as soon as possible. A returned Pledge Form is how we know you still consider yourself a member. Membership shows your commitment to TEMV and has its privileges.
Please consider what the right amount of financial support is from you and your family, and indicate it on the Pledge Form. (Click here to complete the form online or to download and print.) Your contribution is kept confidential. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Phebe (Phebe.rand@gmail.com; 978.256.2855).
Shop Amazon
TEMV is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon.com. Just start your Amazon shopping through this link to take part.
Volunteer to Host an Oneg
Visit the signup page to choose your date or email oneg@temv.org with your preferred dates. We ask all members to sign up to host twice. It’s one simple way to help the community!
The complete Service schedule for the year is here, along with our full calendar of events.
Mah Jong
During the time of transition into our new space, please email mahjong@temv.org if you would like to play, so that we may tell you where we are meeting. We are flexible as to dates and times based on the availability of those who wish to play.
Food and Toiletry Collection
Please stay tuned for information on donating food and toiletries to the Lowell Transitional Living Center once we have moved into our new space.
Do you have something to add to our News page or the temple’s bulletin? Send it to publicity@temv.org.