We hope you will join us for a special Learners’ Minyan this Friday!

TEMV Ner Tamid


Learners’ Minyan and Shabbat Services

Friday, January 24, 2020, 7:00 p.m.
Note early time!

We will journey together through the Erev Shabbat prayers and learn about the arc of the service, the liturgical purpose of many of the elements, and a bit about the “choreography” of prayer.

Board host: Michelle Vlamis

Oneg host: Michael Kanter

Rabbi Sparr Office Hours

Thursday, Friday, and Sunday this week. Appointments must be made in advance by contacting her at rabbi@temv.org or during business hours at 508.736.5555. In an emergency or urgent need, do phone at any hour.

Religious School

Sunday, January 26

In session. Please plan to arrive and settle in at 9:45 a.m.

Lunch Bag Assembly

Sunday, February 2, 2020, 9:30 a.m.

Please join the Social Action Committee for our next lunch bag assembly! We need the following items:

  • Individual bottles of water
  • Cheese sticks
  • Granola bars
  • Fruit
  • Paper bags
  • Napkins
  • Sleeves of nuts

Please contact Jill Barry with what you are able to contribute (978.701.5223 or jbarry121@comcast.net). If you are not able to bring any of the items above, you may instead donate to the Social Action Committee Fund, and we will use the money to buy needed supplies. Please make sure to donate into the fund by 1/27/20 so we know how much we can use to purchase supplies.

Thank You

We just delivered over 80 pounds of food to the Merrimack Valley
Food Bank, which all goes to people and their pets who are isolated st home. Thank you for your contributions!

GLILA Book Club

January 23, 7:00 p.m.

Please join the Greater Lowell Interfaith Leadership Alliance (GLILA) book club at its next meeting in Westford, where we will discuss The Life of Pi. RSVP to Stephanie Granger at: 978.589.9893 (home phone) or 978.846.5525 (mobile phone) for exact location.

Mah Jong

Thursday, January 23, 1:00 p.m.

Are you interested in playing or learning to play? If so, contact mahjong@temv.org with your availability (days of the week and time). Beginners are always welcome and temple membership is not a prerequisite. We are always open to suggestions for other games as well!

2019-20 Pledges Due

Please remember that if we have not received your pledge form or an initial pledge payment that specifically states it is intended for membership, then you are not considered a member and will miss out on the benefits of membership. Thank you for your continued support and understanding. These pledges are the regular income on which we all rely. You may also pay online, or contact Phebe, our co-treasurer, at treasurer@temv.org if you have any questions.

TEMV Store

Show your TEMV pride and support our community with coffee mugs, t-shirts, tote bags, magnets, and more in celebration of our 70th anniversary! Shop now!


Shop Amazon

TEMV is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon.com. Just start your Amazon shopping through this link to take part.

Volunteer to Host an Oneg

Please email oneg@temv.org with your preferred dates. ​We ask all members to sign up to host twice. You just need to bring a challah and help with setup and cleanup. Other foods are potluck. It’s one simple way to help the community! Please also see our full calendar of events.

Food and Toiletry Collection

There is a box in the TEMV lobby for non-perishable food and toiletry items, to be donated to the the Merrimack Valley Food Bank and Lowell Transitional Living Center.

Do you have something to add to our News page? Send it to publicity@temv.org.

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